Russia-Ukraine war live news: G20 leaders deplore Russian aggression ‘in strongest terms’ – The Guardian - The News Dailer


יום רביעי, 16 בנובמבר 2022

Russia-Ukraine war live news: G20 leaders deplore Russian aggression ‘in strongest terms’ – The Guardian

From 41m ago

G20 leaders declaration divided over Russia

Patrick Wintour

Patrick Wintour

A draft declaration from G20 leaders said “most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine”, demanding Russia’s “complete and unconditional withdrawal” from its neighbour’s territory.

The reference to war is a rejection of Russia’s claim that it is involved in a “special military operation”.

But it also said “there were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions”, reflecting the divisions among G20 states over Russia.

The declaration warns that “the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are vital. Today’s era must not be of war.”

The Ukraine war, the statement stressed “is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy – constraining growth, increasing inflation, disrupting supply chains, heightening energy and food insecurity, and elevating financial stability risks”.

The draft did, however, note: “There were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions.”

On Tuesday, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, was quoted by Russia’s Tass news agency as saying “the west added the phrase ‘many delegations condemned Russia,’ [but] we noted that alternative views were also outlined”.

He left Indonesia later in the day.

Updated at 02.11 EST

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Jessica Elgot is in Bali for the the Guardian for the G20 summit and sends this report:


The bilateral between the UK and China – billed as the first in five years – has been cancelled at the G20, with time pressures blamed because of snap meetings in the aftermath of the strike in Poland by the Ukrainian border.

Instead, Rishi Sunak and the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau will speak to president Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the mid-afternoon. It comes after Joe Biden said the missile that landed in Poland, killing two people, was unlikely to have been fired from Russia due to its trajectory.


It is understood the UK does not dispute the US version of events but both Sunak and Downing Street would not comment on the record about the provenance of the explosion. “It is important that we remain calm and focus on establishing the facts,” Sunak said.


Sunak and Trudeau, who were tasked with speaking to Zelenskiy after a snap meeting with G7 and Nato leaders, spoke earlier to the Ukrainian foreign minister.


The prime minister was woken up at 5am Balinese time to be briefed on the incident in Poland, speaking shortly afterwards to his defence and foreign secretary, and to Poland’s president Andrezj Duda around 7pm.


Sunak also held a bilateral meeting with Biden, the first time the pair have formally met. Number 10 said that, unusually, the pair did not discuss a US-UK trade deal, a further hint that Sunak is taking a slower approach to trade having already hinted he wants to thoroughly review work on the trade deal with India.


Both Biden and Sunak spoke about the global economic challenges as well as Biden saying he was keen to see progress on the Northern Ireland protocol. Biden is understood to have said he believed Sunak also wanted to see a resolution with the EU as soon as possible.

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A draft declaration from G20 leaders said “most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine”, demanding Russia’s “complete and unconditional withdrawal” from its neighbour’s territory.


The reference to war is a rejection of Russia’s claim that it is involved in a “special military operation”.


But it also said “there were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions”, reflecting the divisions among G20 states over Russia.


The declaration warns that “the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are vital. Today’s era must not be of war.”


The Ukraine war, the statement stressed “is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy – constraining growth, increasing inflation, disrupting supply chains, heightening energy and food insecurity, and elevating financial stability risks”.


The draft did, however, note: “There were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions.”


On Tuesday, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, was quoted by Russia’s Tass news agency as saying “the west added the phrase ‘many delegations condemned Russia,’ [but] we noted that alternative views were also outlined”.


He left Indonesia later in the day.

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A draft declaration from G20 leaders says it’s essential to uphold international law and the multilateral system that safeguards peace, at the close of the summit in Bali.


The leaders said they “deplore in strongest terms Russian aggression against Ukraine”.


It’s not clear whether this draft declaration was agreed by all members, but as Russia is a member of the G20, it appears unlikely.


The declaration said most members condemned the war but “there were other views”.


A joint G20 communique would usually be agreed by all parties, but as agreement appeared unlikely, the summits hosts – Indonesia – had instead been pushing for a leaders’ declaration.


The declaration also said members’ central banks would continue to appropriately calibrate the pace of monetary policy tightening.

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Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he took Russian denials of involvement in the attack seriously adding it was likely to be a technical error.


Speaking at the G20 summit in Bali, he said “I have met with the German chancellor Olaf Scholz. There is general impression that this missile is not Russian made and this declaration paves the way to certain facts, so we should not insist this missile was launched from Russia. This would be a provocation.”


He added “peace can only be established through dialogue and we want to establish dialogue”.

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CIA Director Bill Burns is in the Ukrainian capital to meet with president Volodymyr Zelenskiy and his intelligence counterparts, according to a US official.


Burns was safely in the US embassy during Russian missile strikes in Kyiv.


His trip comes on the heels of a Monday meeting in Turkey with his Russian intelligence counterpart, Sergey Naryshkin – and it is the second known time in less than a month that the CIA director has visited Kyiv.


According to the US official, Burns “discussed the warning he delivered to the head of Russia’s SVR not to use nuclear weapons and reinforced the US commitment to provide support to Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.”

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The Associated Press news agency is reporting that initial findings suggest the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian missile, citing US officials.


The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs initially described the missile as “Russian-made”, but as the Guardian’s diplomatic editor Patrick Wintour has reported, that could include S-300 ground to air missiles in the possession of Ukraine.


Earlier, Joe Biden was asked if the missile was fired from Russia. He said, “there is preliminary information that contests that. I don’t want to say that until we completely investigate. But it is unlikely in the minds [sic] of its trajectory that it was fired from Russia.”

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France has urged for the “utmost caution” on any assessment of the origin of the missile that landed on Nato member Poland, warning “many countries have the same kind of weapons, so identifying the type of missile won’t necessarily identify who is behind it”.


Agence France-Presse quotes a French presidency official as saying:



It’s logical that we approach the question with utmost caution… Many countries have the same kind of weapons, so identifying the type of missile won’t necessarily identify who is behind it.”


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Nato and G7 leaders have condemned Russia’s “barbaric missile attacks” on Ukraine in a statement following the emergency meeting held earlier with members in Bali.


The leaders of Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States met on the margins of the G20 Summit and released the following statement:



We condemn the barbaric missile attacks that Russia perpetrated on Ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructure on Tuesday.

We discussed the explosion that took place in the eastern part of Poland near the border with Ukraine. We offer our full support for and assistance with Poland’s ongoing investigation. We agree to remain in close touch to determine appropriate next steps as the investigation proceeds.

We reaffirm our steadfast support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in the face of ongoing Russian aggression, as well as our continued readiness to hold Russia accountable for its brazen attacks on Ukrainian communities.”



We condemn the cowardly and brazen missile attacks of Russia on Ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructure.

We offer our full support for and assistance with Poland’s ongoing investigation.

&mdash; Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) November 16, 2022

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US president Joe Biden has spoken to reporters after an emergency meeting with Nato and G7 leaders in Bali.


Biden said the group would support Poland’s investigation into the incident.


“I’m going to make sure we figure out exactly what happened … Then we’re going to figure out our next step.”

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Responding to a question as to whether the missile was fired from Russia, Biden said:



There is preliminary information that contests that. I don’t want to say that until we completely investigate.


But it is unlikely in the lines of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia, but we’ll see.”



The president added that it was “unlikely” the missile was fired from Russia possibly due to the weapon’s trajectory.


He described Russia’s continued missile attacks on Ukraine as “totally unconscionable”.


JUST IN: President Biden speaks after &quot;emergency&quot; meeting of G7 and NATO leaders, after missile hits in Poland.

&quot;We agreed to support Poland's investigation into the explosion in rural Poland near the Ukrainian border.&quot;

&mdash; MSNBC (@MSNBC) November 16, 2022

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Poland’s president Andrzej Duda has said there is so far no “conclusive evidence” as to who launched a missile into Polish territory but it is “most likely” to have been Russian-made.


Duda has said that the explosion in Przewodów was a “one-off incident” and there are “no indications” that it is going to happen again.



We do not have any conclusive evidence at the moment as to who launched this missile … it was most likely a Russian-made missile, but this is all still under investigation at the moment,” Andrzej Duda told reporters.



The Polish foreign ministry had earlier said that a Russian-made rocket had fallen on the village.


Duda spoke after prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Poland would increase surveillance of its airspace following the incident.


“We decided to increase the combat readiness of selected units of the Polish armed forces, with particular emphasis on airspace monitoring,” Morawiecki said.


Morawiecki also asked for people to be restrained. “I call on all Poles to remain calm around this tragedy. Let’s be prudent, let’s not let ourselves be manipulated.


“We need to be ready to face fake news, propaganda efforts.”

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Russia has denied its missiles crossed into Poland, calling the reports a “deliberate provocation”.


A statement from the Russian defence ministry read:



The statements of the Polish media and officials about the alleged fall of ‘Russian’ missiles in the area of Przewodów is a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation. No strikes on targets near the Ukrainian-Polish state border were made by Russian rockets.”



The Russian foreign ministry added in a statement published on Telegram:



Polish mass media and officials commit deliberate provocation to escalate situation with their statement on alleged impact of ‘Russian’ rockets at Przewodów. Russian hardware has launched NO strikes at the area.”



Some analysts said they believed photographs of missile debris at the scene showed a Ukrainian S-300 air defence system that would have been engaged in shooting down a Russian missile, but it was not possible to corroborate those reports.


⚡ @mod_russia: Polish mass media &amp; officials commit deliberate provocation to escalate situation with their statement on alleged impact of &quot;Russian&quot; rockets at Przewodów.

◽ Russian hardware has launched NO strikes at the area.

In full detail 👉

&mdash; MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) November 15, 2022

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Nato and global leaders are set to meet on Wednesday after a Russian-made rocket fell on Nato member Poland and killed two people, raising concerns that the Ukraine conflict could spill over its borders.


Two European diplomats said Poland requested the Nato meeting under the treaty’s Article 4, which allows for all Nato allies to be brought together when the “territorial integrity, political independence or security” of any member has been threatened.


A Nato official said the alliance was closely coordinating with Poland, according to a Reuters report.


Fabrice Pothier, former head of policy planning in the Nato secretary-general’s office, told Sky TV that in a Nato meeting officials would “consult each other, to assess the threat and to take concrete action.”


Latvian deputy prime minister Artis Pabriks said the situation was “unacceptable” and it could lead to Nato providing more anti-aircraft defences to Poland and Ukraine, a view Pothier endorsed.


“Every inch of Nato territory must be defended!,” Lithuanian president Gitanas Nauseda said on Twitter.


A deliberate attack on a Nato member could in theory lead to the invocation of the alliance’s article 5, which states that an attack on one member of the military alliance is considered an attack against all. But the Nato treaty is highly unlikely to be triggered by an accidental attack.


Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki also said the country would be increasing the readiness of some military units.


Poland’s government said it has also summoned Moscow’s ambassador for an explanation.

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A “Russian-made missile” fell on the Polish village of Przewodów, near the Ukrainian border, killing two people on Tuesday afternoon, Poland’s foreign ministry reported, in what would be the first time Nato territory has been struck during the Ukraine war.


Foreign affairs spokesperson Lukasz Jasina said in a statement released on Tuesday:



On 15 November 2022, massive shelling of the entire territory of Ukraine and its critical infrastructure by the armed forces of the Russian Federation was observed for many hours.


At 15.40 in the village of Przewodów … a Russian-made missile fell, killing two citizens of the republic of Poland.”



It was not clear who launched the missile that landed a few miles away from the Ukrainian border, Poland’s president Andrzej Duda said, but he and other officials claimed it was likely to be “Russian-made”.


That could mean it was a Russian munition which may have veered off course, but it could also have been a missile from Ukrainian S-300 air defence system, weapons which experts said were originally made in Russia.


Two farmers were killed and a tractor destroyed after a large explosion in the eastern village.

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Members of the G7 and Nato countries who are gathered in Bali for the G20 summit have held a snap meeting after “Russian-made missiles” landed in Poland, killing two people.


The meeting was attended by US president Joe Biden, the UK’s Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Olaf Scholz, France’s president Emmanuel Macron, Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau, the EU’s Ursula Von der Leyen, Japan’s Fumio Kishida, the Netherlands’ Mark Rutte, as well as Spain’s Pedro Sanchez, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and EU council president Charles Michel.


Biden, Sunak and Scholz spoke to Poland’s president Andrzej Duda earlier in the morning.


The rest of the summit which concludes on Wednesday afternoon is likely to be dominated by the response to the strikes.

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Hello and welcome back to the Guardian’s live coverage of the war in Ukraine. I’m Samantha Lock and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments as they unfold over the next few hours.


Poland will likely call for an emergency meeting of all Nato ministers after it said Russian-made missiles crossed into the country in what would be the first time Nato territory has been struck during the Ukraine war.


Poland’s government said it has also summoned Moscow’s ambassador after a “Russian-made rocket” fell on the Polish village of Przewodów, near the Ukrainian border on Tuesday afternoon.


For any updates or feedback you wish to share, please feel free to get in touch via email or Twitter.


If you have just joined us, here are all the latest developments:


  • A “Russian-made missile” fell on the Polish village of Przewodów, near the Ukrainian border, killing two people on Tuesday afternoon, Poland’s foreign ministry said in a statement, in what would be the first time Nato territory has been struck during the Ukraine war.

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  • Poland’s president Andrzej Duda said that the explosion was a “one-off incident” and there are “no indications” that it is going to happen again. Duda said it was “most-likely” a Russian-made rocket but “we do not have any conclusive evidence at the moment as to who launched this missile … this is all still under investigation at the moment.”

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  • Poland’s government said it had summoned Moscow’s ambassador to Poland to provide an explanation. According to a statement released on Poland’s government’s website, a spokesperson said: “The minister of foreign affairs, Zbigniew Rau summoned the ambassador of the Russian federation to the ministry of foreign affairs and demanded immediate detailed explanations.”

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  • Nato ministers are preparing to gather on Wednesday at the request of the Polish government. The meeting is set to be convened under article 4 of the Nato treaty, which allows for all Nato allies to be brought together when the “territorial integrity, political independence or security” of any member has been threatened.

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  • A deliberate attack on a Nato member could in theory lead to the invocation of the alliance’s article 5, which states that an attack on one member of the military alliance is considered an attack against all. But the Nato treaty is highly unlikely to be triggered by an accidental attack.

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  • The White House said it could not confirm reports coming out of Poland and was working with the Polish government to gather more information. As day broke in Bali in Indonesia, where the G20 meeting is being held, US president Joe Biden talked by phone to Duda.

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  • Biden offered Duda “full support for and assistance with Poland’s investigation”. Biden also “reaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to Nato” during a telephone call on Wednesday.

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  • Duda has also spoken to the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Zelenskiy tweeted afterwards: “We exchanged available information and are clarifying all the facts … all of Europe and the world must be fully protected from terrorist Russia.”

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  • The Russian defence ministry in a statement denied its missiles crossed into Poland, calling the reports a “deliberate provocation”. “The statements of the Polish media and officials about the alleged fall of ‘Russian’ missiles in the area of Przewodów is a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation. No strikes on targets near the Ukrainian-Polish state border were made by Russian rockets.”

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  • Some analysts said they believed photographs of missile debris at the scene showed a Ukrainian S-300 air defence system that would have been engaged in shooting down a Russian missile, but it was not possible to corroborate those reports.

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  • Russia launched waves of missile strikes across Ukraine on Wednesday as G20 leaders met in Bali. Ukraine’s authorities said it was another planned attack aimed at the country’s energy infrastructure facilities. In his Wednesday evening address, Zelenskiy said “a total of 90 missiles” hit Ukraine. Seven million homes were left without power. The deputy head of the presidential administration, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, wrote on Telegram that the energy situation across Ukraine was “critical” as a result.

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  • Earlier Zelenskiy, addressing the G20 by video link, called on the leaders to support Ukraine to end the war on its terms – the primary one being that Russian troops leave all of Ukraine, including the areas it occupied in 2014. Zelenskiy called for an international conference to “cement key element of the postwar security architecture” and prevent a recurrence of “Russian aggression”.

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  • The Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said that Zelenskiy’s statement that there will be no “Minsk-3” deal to end the fighting in Ukraine confirms that Kyiv is not interested in holding peace talks with Moscow.

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Key events

Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni expressed “great apprehension and concern” over the missile explosion, Reuters reports her office said on Wednesday, adding she was meeting with Nato and European allies to consider possible steps.

Meloni also had a phone conversation with Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki, her office added in a statement.

UK-China bilateral at G20 cancelled – Sunak and Trudeau to speak to Zelenskiy

Jessica Elgot

Jessica Elgot

Jessica Elgot is in Bali for the the Guardian for the G20 summit and sends this report:

The bilateral between the UK and China – billed as the first in five years – has been cancelled at the G20, with time pressures blamed because of snap meetings in the aftermath of the strike in Poland by the Ukrainian border.

Instead, Rishi Sunak and the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau will speak to president Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the mid-afternoon. It comes after Joe Biden said the missile that landed in Poland, killing two people, was unlikely to have been fired from Russia due to its trajectory.

It is understood the UK does not dispute the US version of events but both Sunak and Downing Street would not comment on the record about the provenance of the explosion. “It is important that we remain calm and focus on establishing the facts,” Sunak said.

Sunak and Trudeau, who were tasked with speaking to Zelenskiy after a snap meeting with G7 and Nato leaders, spoke earlier to the Ukrainian foreign minister.

The prime minister was woken up at 5am Balinese time to be briefed on the incident in Poland, speaking shortly afterwards to his defence and foreign secretary, and to Poland’s president Andrezj Duda around 7pm.

Sunak also held a bilateral meeting with Biden, the first time the pair have formally met. Number 10 said that, unusually, the pair did not discuss a US-UK trade deal, a further hint that Sunak is taking a slower approach to trade having already hinted he wants to thoroughly review work on the trade deal with India.

Both Biden and Sunak spoke about the global economic challenges as well as Biden saying he was keen to see progress on the Northern Ireland protocol. Biden is understood to have said he believed Sunak also wanted to see a resolution with the EU as soon as possible.

This is Martin Belam taking over the live blog in London, on what so far is a fast-paced day of diplomatic reactions to the explosions in Poland last night which killed two people. Early indications appear to be that the weapon that landed inside Nato’s borders was Russian-made, but had been used as part of Ukraine’s air defence systems. This has not been confirmed.

Here are some of the latest developments:

  • Nato is due to hold an emergency meeting at 9am GMT.

  • Poland’s national security council (BBN) said on Wednesday it will meet again at 1100 GMT. “The BBN is currently analysing the arrangements made so far with commanders, service chiefs and allies,” BBN head Jacek Siewiera said in a post on Twitter. The Polish security council had first met on Tuesday night following news of the strike.

  • Nato member Poland’s president early on Wednesday said the country had no concrete evidence showing who fired the missile, which struck a Polish grain facility some 6 km (4 miles) from the Ukrainian border.

  • US president Joe Biden said the missile was probably not fired from Russia.

  • Finland’s Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto told a news conference on Wednesday morning it was not yet possible to tell the origin of a missile which killed two people in Poland, Reuters reports.

  • Hungary’s foreign minister Peter Szijjarto said on his official Facebook page that Hungary has a special relationship with Poland and is watching Polish developments “with great concern”.

Julian Borger offers this analysis of what might happen next: Poland explosion unlikely to spark escalation – but risks of Nato-Russia clash are real

International summits like the G20 traditionally end in a jointly issued communique.

It’s important to note that the statement coming from leaders gathered in Bali is a draft “declaration” not a “communique”.

According to the Guardian’s diplomatic editor, Patrick Wintour, the distinction between the two is that a communique is agreed by all sides, while a declaration is an implicit admission that not all countries present could agree.

As a result, the declaration in Bali includes an unusual reference to a “majority” of G20 members agreeing the wording on the war in Ukraine.

Patrick adds:

Whether a communique or a declaration, these statements are not binding on member states, but are crafted to secure maximum agreement.

Updated at 02.07 EST

G20 leaders declaration divided over Russia

Patrick Wintour

Patrick Wintour

A draft declaration from G20 leaders said “most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine”, demanding Russia’s “complete and unconditional withdrawal” from its neighbour’s territory.

The reference to war is a rejection of Russia’s claim that it is involved in a “special military operation”.

But it also said “there were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions”, reflecting the divisions among G20 states over Russia.

The declaration warns that “the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are vital. Today’s era must not be of war.”

The Ukraine war, the statement stressed “is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy – constraining growth, increasing inflation, disrupting supply chains, heightening energy and food insecurity, and elevating financial stability risks”.

The draft did, however, note: “There were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions.”

On Tuesday, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, was quoted by Russia’s Tass news agency as saying “the west added the phrase ‘many delegations condemned Russia,’ [but] we noted that alternative views were also outlined”.

He left Indonesia later in the day.

Updated at 02.11 EST

Draft G20 leaders declaration ‘deplores in strongest terms Russian aggression against Ukraine’

A draft declaration from G20 leaders says it’s essential to uphold international law and the multilateral system that safeguards peace, at the close of the summit in Bali.

The leaders said they “deplore in strongest terms Russian aggression against Ukraine”.

It’s not clear whether this draft declaration was agreed by all members, but as Russia is a member of the G20, it appears unlikely.

The declaration said most members condemned the war but “there were other views”.

A joint G20 communique would usually be agreed by all parties, but as agreement appeared unlikely, the summits hosts – Indonesia – had instead been pushing for a leaders’ declaration.

The declaration also said members’ central banks would continue to appropriately calibrate the pace of monetary policy tightening.

Updated at 01.53 EST

A G20 leaders declaration has been adopted, according to several diplomatic sources speaking to Reuters.

As at other recent international forums, the United States and its allies have been pushing for a statement condemning Russia’s war in Ukraine.

A joint G20 communique, which would need to be agreed by all parties, had therefore appeared unlikely this year, which is why Indonesia has instead been pushing for a leaders’ declaration.

Turkey’s president says he takes Russian missile denial seriously

Patrick Wintour

Patrick Wintour

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan holds a press conference in Indonesia.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan holds a press conference in Indonesia. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he took Russian denials of involvement in the attack seriously adding it was likely to be a technical error.

Speaking at the G20 summit in Bali, he said “I have met with the German chancellor Olaf Scholz. There is general impression that this missile is not Russian made and this declaration paves the way to certain facts, so we should not insist this missile was launched from Russia. This would be a provocation.”

He added “peace can only be established through dialogue and we want to establish dialogue”.

Updated at 01.05 EST

CIA Director in Kyiv meets with president Zelenskiy

CIA Director Bill Burns is in the Ukrainian capital to meet with president Volodymyr Zelenskiy and his intelligence counterparts, according to a US official.

Burns was safely in the US embassy during Russian missile strikes in Kyiv.

His trip comes on the heels of a Monday meeting in Turkey with his Russian intelligence counterpart, Sergey Naryshkin – and it is the second known time in less than a month that the CIA director has visited Kyiv.

According to the US official, Burns “discussed the warning he delivered to the head of Russia’s SVR not to use nuclear weapons and reinforced the US commitment to provide support to Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.”

Updated at 00.48 EST

US official suggests the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian missile – AP

The Associated Press news agency is reporting that initial findings suggest the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian missile, citing US officials.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs initially described the missile as “Russian-made”, but as the Guardian’s diplomatic editor Patrick Wintour has reported, that could include S-300 ground to air missiles in the possession of Ukraine.

Earlier, Joe Biden was asked if the missile was fired from Russia. He said, “there is preliminary information that contests that. I don’t want to say that until we completely investigate. But it is unlikely in the minds [sic] of its trajectory that it was fired from Russia.”

US president Joe Biden and his British counterpart, Rishi Sunak, have spoken to reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine.

“We’re going to continue to support Ukraine as long as Russia continues their aggression,” Biden reportedly told Sunak, according to a White House press pool report.

“I’m glad we’re on the same page in terms of supporting Ukraine,” he added.

In response, Sunak said the partnership between the US and the UK is “unique” and “enduring” and he felt proud to have stewardship of it.

The pair agreed that the series of recent Russian strikes on Ukraine were “barbaric”.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he has spoken with Polish president Andrzej Duda and expressed his condolences to him and his citizens after blasts near Poland’s border with Ukraine.

A statement released on Wednesday read:

This is a terrible incident and it is necessary to carefully clarify how it came about.”

Poland has called the blasts a strike by a Russian-made projectile, while Russia has denied the claim.

France urges caution, says missile type may not identify its origin

France has urged for the “utmost caution” on any assessment of the origin of the missile that landed on Nato member Poland, warning “many countries have the same kind of weapons, so identifying the type of missile won’t necessarily identify who is behind it”.

Agence France-Presse quotes a French presidency official as saying:

It’s logical that we approach the question with utmost caution… Many countries have the same kind of weapons, so identifying the type of missile won’t necessarily identify who is behind it.”

A Nato aircraft flying above Polish airspace on Tuesday reportedly tracked the missile that landed in its territory, an alliance military official told CNN on Tuesday.

Intel with the radar tracks [of the missile] was provided to Nato and Poland,” the Nato military official added.

The aircraft flying above Poland on Tuesday was monitoring events in Ukraine, according to the broadcaster. Nato aircraft have been conducting regular surveillance around Ukraine since the Russian invasion began.

The Nato official did not say who launched the missile that was tracked landing in Poland, nor where it was fired from.

<gu-island name="TweetBlockComponent" deferuntil="visible" props="{"element":{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TweetBlockElement","html":"

So what crashed in the village of Przewodów, Poland today?

With the cooperation of @blueboy1969 we analyzed the available photos of fragments and came to a clear conclusion that they belong to the 48D6 motor of the 5V55-series missile of the S-300 AD system- a Ukrainian one.

&mdash; 🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) November 15, 2022


So what crashed in the village of Przewodów, Poland today?

With the cooperation of @blueboy1969 we analyzed the available photos of fragments and came to a clear conclusion that they belong to the 48D6 motor of the 5V55-series missile of the S-300 AD system- a Ukrainian one.

🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) November 15, 2022

US secretary of state Antony Blinken spoke to his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, about assessments of the blasts in Poland, the state department said in a statement on Wednesday.

He pledged to remain closely co-ordinated and affirmed the United States would “continue to work closely with allies and partners to provide Ukraine what it needs to defend itself”.

<gu-island name="TweetBlockComponent" deferuntil="visible" props="{"element":{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TweetBlockElement","html":"

I spoke this morning from Bali with Polish Foreign Minister Rau and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba regarding the explosion in eastern Poland. We pledged to remain closely coordinated in the days ahead as the investigation proceeds and we determine appropriate next steps.

&mdash; Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) November 16, 2022


I spoke this morning from Bali with Polish Foreign Minister Rau and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba regarding the explosion in eastern Poland. We pledged to remain closely coordinated in the days ahead as the investigation proceeds and we determine appropriate next steps.

— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) November 16, 2022

<gu-island name="TweetBlockComponent" deferuntil="visible" props="{"element":{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TweetBlockElement","html":"

Detailed call with @SecBlinken on Russian missile terror — its scale, aims, consequences. I stressed the response to what happened in Poland must be stiff and principled. Grateful for affirming the US will double down on recovering our energy system, together with G7 and the EU.

&mdash; Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) November 16, 2022


Detailed call with @SecBlinken on Russian missile terror — its scale, aims, consequences. I stressed the response to what happened in Poland must be stiff and principled. Grateful for affirming the US will double down on recovering our energy system, together with G7 and the EU.

— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) November 16, 2022

Updated at 22.51 EST

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